
+31 318 565653

Foto Festival Naarden (FFN-2017) en Fotogram Festival-OFF (2017)

Uw ticket wordt gescand in de Grote Kerk van Naarden en is geldig voor alle acht locaties. De meeste buitenlocaties zijn gratis te bekijken.
Gehele periode geldig: Uw ticket is geldig gedurende het gehele festival, waarbij u elke locatie één keer kunt bezoeken. U hoeft dus niet alle tentoonstellingen op één dag te bekijken, maar u kunt meerdere keren terugkomen.
Toegang: Toegangskaart, geldig voor alle acht locaties €19,50, Kinderen t/m 14 jaar GRATIS
Kortingsregelingen: Met geldige Museumkaart, CJP-pas, lidmaatschap DuPho of Fotobond, studenten kunstacademie, Fotoacademie of Fotovakschool met studentenpas en Bankgiroloterij VIP-Pas gelden de volgende toegangsprijzen: Maandag t/m donderdag: € 14,50 (dus € 5,- korting), Vrijdag t/m zondag: € 16,00 (dus € 3,50 korting).

Foto Festival Naarden

FotoFestival Naarden (20 MEI T/M 18 JUNI 2017)

Op zaterdag 20 mei gaat de 15de editie van het FotoFestival Naarden van start. Op tientallen locaties – voor een deel oude vestingwerken – zijn spraakmakende Nederlandse en buitenlandse fotografen te zien. Tot de exposanten behoren Jacob Aue Sobol, David Chancellor, Marie-José Jongerius, George Steinmetz, AnaHell, Juha Arvid Helminen, Arthur Mebius, Benoit Paillé, Julia Steinigeweg, Newsha Tavakolian, Reinier Gerritsen, en tientallen andere fotografen.

Het thema van 2017 is Right Here, Right Now. Naast exposities biedt het festival onder meer debatten, Phototalks, rondleidingen, portfolioreviews, workshops en portretsessies. Bovendien reikt het FotoFestival Naarden op zaterdag 27 mei om 17.00 uur voor de eerste keer de Nederlandse Fotoboeken prijs uit.


www.fotofestivalnaarden – Locaties

www.fotofestivalnaarden – Fotografen – Mihaly Stefanovicz



Fotogram festival-OFF


As of this year, Naarden Festival-OFF will be presented in a slightly different way than before. For the past 22 years Frank Detrixhe, who recently passed away, and Erik-Jan Geniets have organized and co-ordinated this festival. Now, the time has come to pass on the baton to Fotogram. 

OFF-festival offers an array of new things to do this year, including various workshops. The workshops will take place close to exhibitions with the same theme, such as ‘Smartphone Photography’ and ‘Portrait Photography’. A series of lectures is also held, along with discussions of several portfolios. Additionally, one can admire different concept exhibitions by known visiting professors of Fotogram.

Nominations for the Fotogram Prize 2017 will be announced May 10. Alongside this festive announcement, the works by the winners of 2016 are exhibited at the Vesting Hotel. For those who want to take part in the Fotogram Prize 2017: you can subscribe until May 1 via the Fotogram website!


History of the Naarden Festival-OFF

The Festival-OFF in Naarden came into existence after the second FotoFestival in 1991, when Fotogroep Delta-F set up their exhibition in an atelier on the Marktstraat – under the name of ‘Festival-OFF’. Since then, FotoFestival Naarden Festival-OFF in the Netherlands is the collection of all photographers, both amateurs and professionals, who set up an exhibition during Fotofestival Naarden. They either find a location and install their own exhibition, or they find a sponsor. Festival-OFF is similarly titled as the well-known photofestival in Arles, France.

It was only during the fourth festival in 1995 when, encouraged by Eddy van Wessel, the photographers that set up their own exhibitions decided that the festival needed some coordinating. This resulted in a folder with descriptions of the exhibitions. Thanks to the pleasant cooperation between FotoFestival Naardens’ board, the residents and the trade and industry of Naarden, and of course the photographers’ effort, Festival-OFF had proven to be a fun initiative. Therefore, in 1997, we decided to professionalize the festival by hiring CSO Marketing Communication in Almere. Next to organizing sponsoring, they also arranged folders, press releases, other promotion material and a lot of good ideas. This cooperation produced such good results, that we have been able to organize successful editions of Festival-OFF in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. We intend to do exactly this in 2017.


Joost Tholens – Festival-OFF